Item Coversheet

Item Coversheet

Agenda Title:Review FY 2016-17 Recommended Budget 

At the work session we will review the recommended budget and answer any questions from the Board.


The attached summary (FY 17 Budget Summary) reflects estimated revenues and expenditures for General Fund (by category or department) as well as Powell Bill, Storm Water, Solid Waste and Affordable Housing funds.


The attached comparisons in 'FY 17 Line Item Budget’ compares FY15 Actual Expenditures, FY16 Original Budgeted Expenditures, Actual FY 16 YTD Expenditures and requested funding for expenditures in FY17.   This document does not include the ‘Needs List Items’ in the individual line items. 


The ‘Needs list items’ document includes the recommended items to be included in the budget as well as a listing of unfunded items.  


DescriptionUpload DateType
Proposed Budget PowerPoint4/22/2016Cover Memo
FY 17 Budget Summary4/22/2016Cover Memo
FY 17 Line Item Budget4/22/2016Cover Memo
Needs List Items4/22/2016Cover Memo