Item Coversheet

Agenda Title:

Nonprofit Grant Funding Allocation Process Discussion

Parks & Rec Director Kathryn Spatz

SUMMARY:  The BOC has historically appropriated $50,000 to be distributed among qualified, registered, town-based non-profits that apply for funding.  We would like to accept applications for the 2018 funding cycle March 1 - April 6. The Livability Board would make initial recommendations at its April 17 meeting and finalize at its May 15 meeting so that the BOC could allocate funding at its June 12 meeting.


The BOC has historically appropriated $50,000 to be distributed among qualified, registered, town-based non-profits that apply for funding (see attached for historical information on funding allocations). In 2016, the BOC directed staff to fund the Arts Science Council (ASC) request from a different line item. In late spring, 2016, the Livability Board was asked to become a part of this annual process. In 2017, the Livability Board updated the application for the non-profits to complete to include more information, particularly to ensure that funding was used for activities beyond basic operations. In June 2017, the BOC directed staff to fund the Davidson Housing Coalition (DHC) request from the payment in lieu fund.

We would like to accept applications for the 2018 funding cycle March 1 - April 6. The Livability Board would make initial recommendations at its April 17 meeting and finalize at its May 15 meeting so that the BOC could allocate funding at its June 12 meeting.

The Livability Board and staff appreciate the BOC's guidance on this matter. Marty Metzker, from the Livability Board, and Kathryn Spatz will be in attendance. 

DescriptionUpload DateType
Non Profit Funding History2/27/2018Cover Memo
Nonprofit Grant Request Application2/21/2018Cover Memo