Item Coversheet

Agenda Title:

2019 Legislative Agenda - 1st Draft
Town Manager Jamie Justice

Summary: The North Carolina General Assembly convenes January 9th for the biennial (long) session.  The Town of Davidson has historically created a state legislative agenda to further the town’s goals and advocate for what’s in the best interest of Davidson. The long session provides for local bills to be introduced with the help of our legislators that could potentially address issues specific to Davidson. As a part of the state legislative agenda, the town also has historically endorsed the North Carolina League of Municipalities (NCLM) municipal advocacy goals that address statewide issues that help all towns in North Carolina. 


At the November 6th board meeting, the board will be asked to provide feedback/changes on draft 2019 legislative agenda.


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Agenda Memo - 2019 Legislative Agenda 1st Draft 11-06-1811/1/2018Cover Memo
Attachment - DRAFT 2019 Legislative Agenda 11-06-1811/1/2018Backup Material
Attachment - 2018 Legislative Agenda 11/1/2018Backup Material