Town Hall Board Room - 216 S. Main Street

March 13, 2018


(Held in the Town Hall Meeting Room)
(a)Arbor Day Proclamation
Davidson College Men's Basketball Proclamation
VIDEOIV.PUBLIC COMMENTS - Note (3/16/18): The Davidson Board of Commissioners are developing a policy of decorum for public comments.
VIDEOV.CONSENT - Consent items are non-controversial and routine items. Prior to the board’s adoption of the meeting agenda the request of any member to have an item moved from the consent agenda to old business must be honored by the board. All items on the consent agenda must be voted on and adopted by a single motion.

Consider Approval of February Draft Meeting Minutes

SUMMARY:  Draft meeting minutes from Feb 6, 2018, Feb 13, 2018, Feb 19, 2018 and Feb 27, 2018


Consider Approval of Resolution 2018-04 Fire Tanker Financing and Related Budget Amendment BA2018-17

SUMMARY:  The Board approved the contract to purchase a Fire Tanker Apparatus on September 27, 2017. The Town issued a Financing RFP and received 7 bids from lenders.  BB&T's response was the lowest cost to the Town at 3.16% over 10 years, and is recommended for acceptance by staff.   The total to be financed is $284,488. The debt service will be directly funded from the North Star Fire District distribution from Mecklenburg County. The Town will also receive $50,000 from Mecklenburg County - North Star Fire District fund balance in FY 2018 to be applied to the purchase of the Tanker.





Consider Approval for a Noise Ordinance Variance - Spring Concert at Davidson College

SUMMARY:  Davidson College has requested a noise ordinance variance for Friday, April 27, 2018 for a Spring Concert from 8-11pm


Consider Approval of Davidson College Rep for Livability Board

SUMMARY:  There were no applicants for the Livability Board, College Rep during the nominating process.  Davidson College Student Chloe DeBeus has applied to be the representative. 


Consider Approval of Revised Regular Meeting Schedule

SUMMARY:  A Mini Retreat has been added on Mar 21, 2018, from 10am-4pm in the Town Hall Board room.

VI.NEW BUSINESS - Items for new business have NOT been previously presented and are for discussion and possible action

Discuss Beaty Street Task Force

Town Manager Jamie Justice

SUMMARY: The town owns approximately 19 acres of property along Beaty Street. Town staff was directed by the board to provide options for the town board to consider creating a citizen task force to determine potential usage of this property. Town Manager Jamie Justice will report on a possible charge for the task force and options for setting up the task force.


Resolution 2018-05 Draft Legislative Agenda

Town Manager Jamie Justice

SUMMARY: Each year, the Town of Davidson creates a state legislative agenda that outlines the town's priorities with the state legislature. This legislative agenda is typically communicated to the legislators that represent Davidson in the state legislature. The state legislature convenes for their session May 16, 2018.  Town Manager Jamie Justice will present a draft state legislative agenda for the town board to consider. 

VII.OLD BUSINESS - Items for old business have been previously presented and are for discussion and possible action

Unassigned Fund Balance Report

Finance Director Piet Swart

SUMMARY:  Report on the unassigned fund balance adjusted for Board approved allocations, carry forwards and reserved funds.  The Town's current unassigned fund balance over the 35% stabilization threshold prescribed in the Finance Policy is $1.55 million.


Discuss Draft Town of Davidson 2018-2019 Strategic Plan

Town Manager Jamie Justice

SUMMARY:  At their January retreat, the mayor and board of commissioners set their vision and goals for the Town of Davidson. The main action item from the retreat was to create a strategic plan, including tactical steps, for 2018-2019 so town staff can help achieve the board’s goals. Town Manager Jamie Justice presented the draft strategic plan to the mayor and commissioners at the February 27 meeting and engaged in a discussion, made edits, and requested more direction from the board. Staff will finalize the strategic plan, and members of the community will have the opportunity to review it and comment before the board of commissioners consider it for adoption at a future meeting.


VIDEOVIII.SUMMARIZE MEETING ACTION ITEMS - Town Manager will summarize items where the board has requested action items for staff