Item Coversheet

Item Coversheet

Agenda Title:

Consider Approval of Ordinance 2017-17: Government Services and Retail Overlay Text Amendments/Discussion of Text Amendments - Planning Director Jason Burdette


1. Provide an update on proposed missing middle text amendments. No action will be taken.


2. Consider approval of Davidson Planning Ordinance text amendments pertaining to government services and retail overlay. 


Consider approval of Davidson Planning Ordinance text amendments pertaining to government services and retail overlay, and provide an update on proposed missing middle text amendments. No action will be taken on proposed missing middle text amendments.

DescriptionUpload DateType
DPO Text Amendments - Staff Analysis12/7/2017Backup Material
DPO Text Amendments - Ordinance12/7/2017Backup Material
DPO Text Amendments- Presentation12/7/2017Presentation